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About Us: Media Coverage - Institut Villa Pierrefeu

Institut Villa Pierrefeu
in the Media


The New Yorker

LESSONS FROM THE LAST SWISS FINISHING SCHOOL. By Alice Gregory / Montreux, October 2018.


Le B. A. – Ba des bonnes manières à table. By Saskia Galitch / Montreux, March 2022

Time Magazine

Switzerland’s Last Finishing School. By William LEE ADAMS / Montreux, November 2011.

Diva Dubaï

Etiquette and Education: A look inside Switzerland’s leading Finishing School. By Mirna FARES / Dubaï, November 2011.

Sunday Telegraph

The Sunday Telegraph – Stella – Manners Reborn: Why it’s all change in the last Swiss finishing-school. By Sophie Wilson/ London, December 2012.


Bespoke International Issue 32 – Finishing Schools: Fit and Finish. By Nadine Khalil / Beyrouth, May 2012.
